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I'm a certified Super Junior Fan!
Are you?

Ps: Kibum is mine!


"Cause I cant stop!"

The introduction starts here. My name would be Gwyn Joyce but i prefer you call me Gwyn. 12 years living in a small island called the Philippines. I blow my candles every 2ne5th of April, I'm currently studying at Jacinto P. ELpa National Highschool, as a freshman. I'm super duper addicted to Korean bands like Super Junior, 2ne1, 2pm, SNSD, etc. I'm also an addict when it comes to anime ive seen alot some of my faves are Vampire Knight, Ouran High School Host Club, Lovely Complex, Yamato Nadeshiko, Bokura ga ita, Special A and alot more. I think ive shared more than enough already so, TODDLES!



Nikka Prado
Gecelle Sumbiling
Louzille Urbiztondo
Allyssa Naranjo
Queenie Millan
Zyra Miranda
Princess Lumancas
Kenth Maquiling
Geodelyn Cuartero
Carmelle Martinez


dont 4get to leave a post!


July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
February 2010




Since: October 26, 2009



Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear Diary:

Dear Diary:

February 1-2:

Chapter One: (Morning)
Both of this days was just like the normal boring days of my life. I woke up at 6:00 am but still felt sleepy that time so i went back to sleep, I again woke at 6:25 i was still sleepy, but i have no other choice but to force myself to wake up or else I'll be late. So, I then started the usual daily routines, respectively, pray, fix my bed, go to bath, dress my self for school, fix my bag, eat my breakfast and lastly go to school.
When i arrived at school I immediately went to our classroom (good thing i wasn't late) what i saw when i arrive was nothing special, just as usual the boy's are talking about something (which i don't want to know), and so is the girls, i joined the girls (of course cause I'm a girl. duhh?) we talked until Ma'am Irong came. On our second subject (which was Aral. Pan), Carmelle announced that Ma'am Ajos won't be coming because she's busy (wohooo!) probably of the election coming up. So again, us girls were talking about something (blablabla...). In our third subject (which is English) Ma'am Isidro couldn't cause just like Ma'am Ajos she was busy, so instead a practice teacher (sorry but i forgot his name) held the class. After, that we went home.

Chapter Two: (Afternoon)
After eating my lunch, I immediately went to the computer and read manga's, don't you love reading manga's? well, i do. Then, i realized it was already time to go to school, after fixing my self I then immediately said goodbye to my sister, and went to school. Again when i arrived nothing was unusual. Sir Alima wasn't their which means that only Sir Dimacuha and Sir Lavesores (not sure about the spelling, do correct me if I'm wrong). After that I waited for them to finish their reporting on MAPE, then we immediately went straight home. And now here I am at home reading manga's, watching Super Junior shows all over again (as expected from a big fan) and writing this Diary that Sir Alima asked to publish in our blog. Well, that's all i can say! TTFN (Ta Ta For Now!).

Feb 3:

Chapter One: (Morning)
This day was just like yesterday and the other day, well, except for the part that we wore PE's and Ma'am Isidro made us memorized a poem that we will present so then we practiced the whole period.

Chapter Two: (Afternoon)
This afternoon was totally fun (ill just skip the boring parts). We almost played all day, It was so much fun, we were all so sweaty. After that we practiced the poem that Ma'am Isidro gave. Us and then we went home. And so, here I am again writing or should I say typing. That's all for now. Sayonara!

I know most of you won't read this, but I'm very thankful for those who will. BTW, I'm not really good in making things like this. So please bear with me. :D

Gwyn :)

4:31 AM

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